Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Drunk in the Office

After spending the entire day chained to my desk working on one thing or another (I swear, I was even too busy to surf the net, read my blog list, etc), I attended a portfolio review where there was free wine and cupcakes.

The free wine was located about 30 feet from my desk. How convenient.

Being that I have really stuck to my detox January, and am on a once a week drinking regimen, a couple of glasses of wine at 4 in the afternoon is really, really, really a bad idea.

I just went from being the quiet girl in the corner, to being that loud, obnoxious asshole who won't shut up.

I'm perky. I'm chatty. I'm making small talk. Small Talk!

I think I just propositioned the cleaning lady. Oh lord. Time to go home.

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