Friday, September 26, 2008

And They Say New Yorkers are Rude

This morning in the midst of the torrential downpour we've been experiencing, a man was wandering outside of Grand Central Station, clearly lost. He asked another man, also lost, where 3rd Avenue was. The 2nd man barely spoke English, and basically said so. So the first man kept on walking. I walked up to him and told him how to get to 3rd Avenue and right as I finished giving him directions, I slipped on a wet spot and went flying face first down to the ground.

Now, I would like to say that the man did not see me do a face plant into the sidewalk. I mean, it's possible. Except that, we were walking side by side. And my umbrella flew out of my hand, nearly poking out the eye of the second, non-English speaking man. The non-English speaking man, bless him, at least grabbed my umbrella for me. The first guy, not so much. He actually just kept on walking. Hurriedly, might I add, still in search of 3rd Avenue.

I hope that dude gets hit by a yellow cab. Not enough to kill him. But just enough to ensure that he needs to be airlifted back to the flyover which is undoubtedly where he came from.


The Dutchess of Kickball said...

Wow! Some people really need to take their head out of their asses and be aware of the world around them.

Liöüx said...

I'm sorry I left my wet spot just lying there on the sidewalk for you to slip on.

i like cheese said...

Dutchess-yes, sadly I know MANY people I can say that about...

Lioux-no problem. Slipping on I can handle, sleeping in is unacceptable.

Elena said...

Sorry about your day, but I want you to know that your crazy cat post made my (otherwise very shitty) day a couple days ago. I think you need to take a look at that picture of your cat again.... :)

Subway Gal said...

How rude! I would wish the same thing on him. Or, if I was drunk, I would probably chase after him and maybe try to trip him, or punch him.